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Exopad started developing solutions in Microsoft Excel in 2008. Currently we're creating overall solutions for Office applications Excel, Word, Access, Outlook and Powerpoint.


In big organisations huge amounts of data are stored by several employees. In most cases this isn't done consistently. You can't blame the employees; the current processes and systems are making it possible.
Using and reconciling these data into useful (management)information is often timeconsuming and failible.



As a freelancer or entrepreneur you love to work on your core tasks. A painter loves to paint and likes to minimize time for administration and creating offers.

Most of the time resources are missing to outsource this resulting in working late at night doing things that didn't decide you to be self-employed.




The big advantage of repeating tasks is that they can be particularly automated. Manual input of data can be limited and using listboxes and checkboxes instead of textboxes results into consistent easy to find and comparable data.

Or there isn't any manual input required when (potential) clients fill out a standardform online. 
An fully automated order will be created and send via email (for example as a PDF document) and the input data from several departments for the monthly managementreport are reconciled and presented by pressing one single button.


I hear you thinking: This is only possible with expensive software.
Well, that is definitely not the case. You already have the software you need. But you don't use all possilbilities Microsoft Office has.
Saving time and money and imporve quality? Yes, absolutely.

No more entering data in Excel, merging files and copying addresses from Outlook for hours.

No more searching for that one field that wasn't merge or linked correctly resulting in an incorrect report.

But just being busy with your real work.  Whether it is aquiring new clients with fast sending offers or analysing management information, our solutions make it possible.


Curious to your advantages in time, money ánd quality? We'd love to inform you about it without any obligation.
For getting an impression, please visit our references section.

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